It’s Just How Things Are

The feline race of Xadune has been infamous as being an abrasive race for as long as any one mortal can remember.  But until about two decades previous to our current year, the entire race vanished as if it never existed.  After almost a year without this diverse culture, all but their Gnoll rivals had forgotten they had ever existed.  When the year turned and started a new chapter, the Feline emerged once again.  When that time came, things were even more different than anyone had anticipated.

Dodging the limbs of fallen trees, her feet naturally find soft undergrowth to dig into the moist earth to help push her along.  The slender feline had been running for so long now she could hear her heartbeat in her ears.  Draya saw a town coming ever closer as she ran, scanning the borders for an oncoming threat, gave her inspiration to continue.  Occasionally she would look over her shoulder to see if she lost her pursuer, eyes darting around quickly and processing the new information.  The sparse woods of Central Pha had provided her with great cover for the time being, but it was hard to mislead one that can hunt better than she could. 

Upon approaching the town within a hundred paces, she slowed her run to a jog and getting closer still, she slowed to a walk.  Walking into the town she bowed her head, hiding the perspiration that was begging to run down the sides of her face.  Occasionally she shook her head as venders beg for her attention and approach to try to lead her to their goods.  The sounds of the busy market rang in her ears as if she could hear for the first time.  A sound like no other caught her attention, making her left ear turn behind her to pick it up clearer.  It rang out again, something so subtle to make her skin crawl.  Armor plating grating against the chain mail underneath drawing closer with each step the person took, walking with a purpose, this may very well be her pursuer.

Darting around the corner of a shop she hid in the alley, sinking against the wall, letting the silence deafen her for a moment before the pursuer walked by the same alley she hid in.  Taking a deep breath, she held it in for a moment or two before she felt strong enough to peek up through her sweat stained hair.  Draya’s pursuer walks in front of the alley slowly, looking down to acknowledge her.  A large male feline in plate and chain mail wore a smirk across his face as if showing her his victory in a small way.  The eye contact they made for that brief moment filled her heart with dread, she knew she was trapped.  It was too late to turn back now.  With her legs heavy and exhaustion encumbering her, she tries to stand but falls to no avail.  Tears fill her eyes but too stubborn and her pride standing in the way of letting them fall, she forces herself to her feet.

Pushing one leg forward at a time, she drags herself out of the alley where the male awaited across the way, leaning against a shop with his arms crossed wearing a smug look.  Walking away from the building he heads the way they came, out of the city, with Draya 20 paces behind as two other large feline fall in behind her several paces back.   

This is how it was, the smaller feline would come to town wearing collars to get goods and leave without saying a word.  The larger feline would come to the city looking for smaller feline, both male and female, and if found they would follow without a fight.  Rarely would a non-collared docile feline come to town alone and if they did, it was assumed the dominant would follow soon after.  No one questioned it; it is just how things were.

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