The Nigean Mountains

These mountains stretch south from the Raspin Ocean to the Xelian Ocean at the top of Pha, and about in the middle of Pha it cuts almost straight across the continent to the Aturin Ocean. This is the home to the Dwarven nations. Dotting the entire range one can find populations of Dwarven cities, along with the occasional Gnome city. Of course, if you want to see any of this you have to go below the earth, and survive. One of the most notable features of the mountains is the anti-magic zones that seem to follow the entirety of the range, making crossing these barriers even more treacherous. This, grouped together with the treacherous rock surfaces and what seem to a layman as an almost impassable set of mountains, makes the Nigean one of the largest claimers of life on the planet. At least a hundred people die every year trying to cross the range. None has been successful to date.

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