

If ever there was a case of “only the strong survive”, the Orcs would be it. Through war, apocalypse, and defying the odds, Orcs have reached the pinnacle of their race: strong, smart, wise, and cunning. Though their numbers are few, they are perhaps one of the most respected races on Xadune. What once was seen as a backwater race that was nothing but vermin has moved up to a frontline race that everyone hopes will be their ally.

Those of Orcish background have a dark green complexion and a pair of tusks protruding from their mouths.  They are stronger and more stout than an average human.  Their heights range between 5’4″ – 6’3″ on average, with males being taller than females.

Average Life Span: ~40
Average Number of Offspring: 1-2
Maximum Number of Offspring: 3

Orcish History

Before Fallen Star, when the Great War occurred, the orcs were tribal and constantly at odds with each other. However, shortly afterwards an orc chief restructured the orcs into vigilant groups. This was done not only to unite the orcs into one cohesive race, but also to be able to tap all the strengths of all the tribes more efficiently. Over time these evolved into subcultures, and though they kept their tribal names, they are up to date with the times and cultures of the world. Since then many orcs have folded themselves into modern society, but some still hold onto these more traditional ways. To follow is what mostly defines the “orc” cultures of Xadune. These orcs were raised off the old ways, with influences of the modern world.

Orcish Cultures

Bigtooth–  The majority of the orcs of this subculture are warriors.  They are natural leaders; strong, well-spoken, and have a knack for tactics.  They are a very active people and dislike to be sedentary or idle, and in turn they often do not have the patience for more tedious arts such as production or stealth.

Ironfist– This subculture has never been great in number, but it proved to be one of the most difficult to overwhelm. The Ironfist subculture has always been gifted in tinkering. They came into the Great War with war machines that could be manned with one orc. Finally, the big chief figured out how to dismantle the machines and the tides turned, but that never stopped the Ironfists from their ingenuity.  However, they tend to scoff at all other ways of doing things, they have rejected Arcane Magic completely, and only recognize Utilī as a power.  These orcs would much rather be inventing than fighting, although they are more than happy to work with the other Orcish subcultures to achieve an overall goal.

Rottentooth– This subculture got their atypical diet. The Rottentooth orcs were close to the brink of extinction before the Great War, but were saved by a group of their own that had devoted themselves to the study of medicinal herbs and skills of healing. This subculture has the most skilled “witchdoctors” and “shamans” of any of the orcish people.  They tend to be ostracized by their race; respected, but not necessarily included.   These tend to be technophobic and foretell that the use of science for any other purpose than healing and medicine will bring the destruction of the planet.


The sly ones, those in the shadows, the tinkerers of hidden arts; all of these are names goblins have gone by throughout time. Many never know if they are good or evil, but all know they side with whoever will win and are only matched by gnomes in their ability to tinker and create. They are always making deals and always up to something. Goblins are misunderstood at best; with rag-tag clothing and often confusing speech, they can be a burden to deal with.

Goblins are some of the best tinkerers on Xadune.  They are excellent at scavenging for things and using odds and ends in their inventions.  Goblins are survivors; they will run, hide, switch sides, betray friends, backstab, and do whatever it takes to get ahead and stay alive.  The one thing they will remain faithful to is their fascination; often a shiny object, a goblin will collect a horde of these objects and protect it until the end.

Goblins have pointed ears, long noses, and have green skin like that of an Orc.  Their heights range between 5’4″ – 6’3″ on average, with males being taller than females.

Average Life Span: ~50
Average Number of Offspring: 1-2
Maximum Number of Offspring: 3

Goblin History

Throughout their history, goblins have been through slavery and struggle. They have never formed their own civilization (and kept it that many know of), but rather preferred to live off of what others had already developed.  They inhabit cities of other civilizations, whether they are populated or abandoned.  They tend to learn the skills of the people they are near.

Goblins invented the explosive.  In AFS 052, “The Bomb that Shook the World” went off in the subterranean Goblin city, completely destroying it.

Goblin Cultures

Goblins are classified into two different cultures: the subterranean and the surface dwellers.

“Home grown” goblins, as they like to call it, have a way all to themselves. They talk just a little odder then most, walk as if there is someone following them, and have a small degree of insanity that to most comes across as a comical way of being. They can be ruthless if required, but even in being so are hard to take seriously; but never underestimate one raised by their own as they have insight far beyond your city raised goblin.

Subterranean– These goblins have a rich underground history living off the gnomish, hobgoblin, deep elf, and sometimes dwarven societies. The subterranean goblins are rumored to be the possible origin for tinkering. The goblins outside of the deep elf societies adopted their incredible talent for magic, whereas the goblins outside of the gnomish societies increased their skills in tinkering.  Regardless of what they are trying to make, they try to perfect it.  Due to living underground, they suffer huge physical effects from being in the daylight.

Surface Dwellers– Where their cousins lived off the underground cultures, these goblins grab what they can from the above cultures. They can immerse themselves into nearly any society, and have a knack for making something from nothing. The surface dwellers are gifted in gathering information or resources as well as many of the roguish arts. Definitely a good ally if you wish to get in/out of a tight situation. While not quite as proficient in tinkering and magic as their subterranean counterparts, these goblins have far exceeded their skill in locks, traps, and the acquiring of rare and unusual artifacts.  Often not the best leaders, they are best suited as followers, Surface Dwellers tend to always be following someone; feeling insecure and often lost if not in someone else’s charge.


Intelligent, organized and aggressive. Though they have survived the times pressed against them, they never let down their reins of aggression. These creatures are rarely trusted and often seen trying to cut their corner into the world.

Hobgoblins are extreme strategists, which confuses most, since they generally don’t know how to read or write. When going into a large battle, the hobgoblin can map out in his head the best strategy to use.

Hobgoblins have brown skin with green or orange patching, a pair of tusks protruding from their mouths, and pointed ears.   They are one of the naturally strong races, and have a natural resistance to disease and poisons. Their heights range between 5’4″ – 6’3″ on average, with males being taller than females.

Average Life Span: ~38
Average Number of Offspring: 1-2
Maximum Number of Offspring: 3

Hobgoblin History

Hobgoblins have been in and out of warfare since their beginning. Before Fallen Star, the hobgoblins shared the plains of Pha with the orcs and goblins and were at a constant state of readiness or war. Historians claim that at one time there were five different tribes of hobgoblins, but over time the weakest two of the five were eliminated.  However, hobgoblins do not keep a written record, and all of their history and tradition is passed by mouth.

Since Fallen Star, Hobgoblins have gone to war with each other four times: in AFS 014, AFS 028, AFS 058, and AFS 088.

The Hobgoblin Cultures

At this time there are three hobgoblin tribes, forged hard and grown strong by the changing times. Times have changed, but their purpose hasn’t. Much like the orcs, hobgoblin cultures are defined almost by their main purpose in battle. Tribes still roam the plains of Pha, and other areas of the world, living their life.

Thunderhoof– This tribe has defined the hobgoblins’ skills at tracking and ranged precision. These hobgoblins originally fought on horseback with ranged weapons, and when not at war they roamed the plains in smaller groups living off what the world offered up to them. The Thunderhooves are also viewed by most as being some of the best trackers on Xadune. However, the find close combat to be very difficult.  Additionally, they prefer to be outside in a natural habitat, and will remove themselves from buildings if they are forced to stay indoors.

Bloodwolf– In times past, these hobgoblins were what nightmares are made of. Adorned in the skins of animals, tattooed from head to toe, blood dripping from mouths; all described this bloodthirsty tribe. Though slightly calmer due to the turning of time, they are still known as the fiercest fighters of Pha. When not in battle, this tribe is usually drunk or up to no good.  They are not known for their histories or excessive knowledge, but rather for their brute strength and boisterous nature.  Strangely, they have a penchant for lycanthropy and will take any opportunity to attain it without second thought.

Stonescourge– This is the only hobgoblin tribe to call one place home. They have built a city in the center of the plains, both above and below ground, and have cultivated the land around it. These hobgoblins grew up with the times and create some of the best armor and goods of the plains of Pha. The Stonescourge leader is a military strategist like no other, and armors and disciplines his army to withstand all that the opposition has. Always at the ready, this tribe is the defensive league of the plains.  However, while they excel at creating the tools of war, they lack the focus and dedication for the finer arts or entertainment.  The Stonescourge hold themselves in very high regard and have a high level of nationalism.

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