

The majority race on Xadune, they have become the cornerstone of the races; a natural medium amongst them all. They are the fastest to develop and the quickest to grow.  Humans have a knack for learning, and as such they become more skilled in all they do.  They seem to be able to easily learn languages they are exposed to.

Average Life Span: 60 Years
Average Number of Children: 2-3
Maximum Number of Children: 13

Human History

Human history is typically the history of any region.  Humans define the history of the area, as they are the majority race.

Human Cultures

Due to being the majority in every country save a select few, there isn’t a unifying ‘human culture’ as there are with other races.  Humans define the culture in the region they are in.  For examples of these cultures, please see the section on the countries of Xadune.

Elves and Half Elves

The fallen race and the children of them; though most of their history is lost, the elves believe they were once the master race of Xadune. But time, war, and hardship have stripped them of this title. Though now very few in numbers, most elves and half-elves hold themselves very high on a personal level, but by all others they are treated as lesser and a dying race.

Elves look very similar to humans, with their telling physical feature being their pointed ears. Their heights range between 5’4″ – 6’3″ on average, with males being taller than females. Due to the Elven race being in shambles, they have become masters of hiding from those hunting them and making them outcasts and hunting for the means to survive.  They have a natural resistance to sleep effects and charm effects, although half-elves seem to be normally sensitive to one of these.  Moreover, elves are some of the longest-lived people on Xadune, with natural lifespans nearing 600 years.

Full Elf Average Life Span: ~700
Half Elf Average Life Span: ~350
Average Number of Offspring: 1
Maximum Number of Offspring: 2

It should be noted that these numbers only take into account natural deaths.  Very few elves make it to their maximum lifespan.

Elven History

Elven history is a blurry thing.  Not much was known about the history of the Elves, other than they once had a beautiful civilization in Sharorer Thysaer that has since fallen into ruin.

In February of AFS 136, Xadune was invaded by what appears to be the ancestors of the Elven race.  Little is known about these Invaders, but they seem to have advanced technologies and speak a form of the dead Elven language.

Deep Elves

The most noble of the Elven (or Fae) kind. These mysterious people live below ground. They are said to be the protectors of Xadune and little is known about this race. No one is sure of how many there are, or why they live underground, but one thing is for sure: they know the answers. The wise often reflect upon these ancient people for advice, for only the Deep Elves seem to have the running history of the entire world, though they do not share it with just anyone. Bold, noble, strong, and smart, it is no wonder most never cross these rare people.

Deep Elves have pale white skin, white or silver hair, pointed ears, and most have red scars across their face. Their heights range between 5’4″ – 6’3″ on average, with males being taller than females. Deep Elves live primarily underground, but contrary to most beliefs, they cannot see in the dark and are not blinded by light. However, they can produce a light source that allows them to see while in dark areas.  Like their cousins, the have a natural resistance to sleep and charm effects.

Average Life Span: ~800
Average Number of Offspring: 1
Maximum Number of Offspring: 1

Deep Elf Culture

These noble and reclusive people have more secrets than almost any other race on Xadune. Even what most people believe to be true is merely a fabrication to make the less informed look the other way. Deep elves have withdrawn from the world after making their mark. For the most part, these people consider themselves as the protectors of Xadune, and the mind of reason for the world. Rare ever is it to see one in the world for no reason, but it has been known to happen. But it is a fact that during every conflict, every important meeting, everything that could be connected to the world, the deep elves were there, whether you knew it or not. Deep Elves are also among the few races that are still bonded together; meaning almost every Deep Elf was raised a Deep Elf. Exceptions are normally not tolerated by the race and dealt with swiftly.

Deep Elves  hold a fascination for forests, although they lack the skills to properly function in one.  It is presumed that this is due to the lack of forests underground in which they live.  They are an honorable people who avoid an unfair fight, as well as logical and sometimes cold people, preferring to not be led by emotion. However, Deep Elves seem uncomfortable in a bright or warm environment.

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