Wee Folk


Of all the races of Xadune, the Halflings are the most laid back. Always enjoying the finer and calmer things in life, their curiosity is the only thing that seems to get the best of them. Always quick with a story and fast to befriend others, everyone enjoys the company of these wee folk.  On top of their knack for arts and crafts, Halflings are extremely adept at all things sneaky and are often fearless and curious when faced with something more powerful than themselves. They have a natural resistance to all types of disease.

Those of Halfling decent tend to have fur on the tops of their hands and feet, but otherwise look much akin to a small human. Their heights range between 3’4″ – 4’6″ on average, with males being taller than females.  They are not as strong as human counterparts, due to their small stature.

Average Life Span: ~135
Average Number of Offspring: 2
Maximum Number of Offspring: 3

Halfling Culture

As heard everywhere, Halflings are the most laid back race on Xadune. They have no known kingdom on Xadune, however, they count the forests of Sharorer Thysaer as their homeland. Through time, the Halflings have not necessarily ‘divided’ themselves, but more assigned labels to two different kinds of Halflings.

 The Woodhaven Folk– These Halflings spend most of their life in the Halfling Villages, or Woodhaven, of Shaerorer Thysaer. They enjoy cook outs, Sticky Buns, the Halfling’s favorite dessert, and the company of the other Woodhaven Folk neighbors. Masters of cooking and art, it is rare to hear of a better cook than a Halfling. Their hospitality is the best seen on Xadune as all who have ever had the pleasure of visiting a village will testify. They love to have a worry-free life and are the most laid-back, generous, kindhearted beings one will ever meet. They do prefer to stay in their “safe zone”, however; it is not unheard of for a Woodhaven Folk to take on the life of a Fur Foot Adventurer.   All of the Woodhaven Folk hold something dear to them they will fight to the death for–whether it is their friends, peace, the outcomes of their craft, or what have you.

The Fur Foot Adventurer– Born to see the world, these Halflings never stay in one place for too long. They are story writers; the tales that are heard by the Woodhaven folk more than 80% of the time are written by a Fur Foot.  In fact, these Halflings will chronical their daily happenings in a journal for stories to tell around the world. From one pub to the next, you are bound to see a Halfling enjoying his/her life writing stories and making the most of the “Xadune Experience.” The Fur Foot Adventurers can be up to no good thanks to their curiosity, which can get them in trouble if they find something they want to investigate which isn’t particularly up for grabs.

The Fur Foots do not engage in direct combat and prefer to learn more rogue type skills.  Additionally, Fur Foots tend to not have the attention span to study the arcane arts. But most importantly, these Halflings carry all of their belongings on them at all times and can become very upset if they lose their things.

Population Distribution

The Halfling homeland is in Shaerorer Thysaer, but the Fur Foot Adventurers travel far and wide.  It is not uncommon to see a Halfling, but it may be uncommon to see one settled down.


Dwarves love to create, to build, and to battle.  They tend to be very stubborn and will defend their beliefs to the end.   They are excellent blacksmiths, and have an eye for stone work of all types. Dwarves are excellent fighters, and prefer two weapons: the war hammer and the Dwarven war axe.

Of all the races of Xadune, the dwarves are the most unchanged by time. They reside deep in their caves mining, forging, and searching for the ultimate treasure or just on the foothills of the world enjoying things to the extreme. Where the Gnomes and Goblins excel at tinkering, the dwarves dominate in forging and enjoying life. Often other races approach these stout creatures for their smithing. When not working hard, though, these hearty, yet light-hearted people can often be found drinking and joking about.

All Dwarves pride themselves in their long beards, even the females.  They tend to have round noses.  They are stout and strong.  Their heights range between 3’4″ – 4’6″ on average, with males being taller than females.

Average Life Span: ~110
Average Number of Offspring: 1
Maximum Number of Offspring: 4

Dwarven History

Tharmödin, the capital subterranean city of the Dwarven tribal nations, has been locked away now for three years. No one goes in or out, and trade is scarce with this once rich provider of arms and armaments. But this doesn’t mean Dwarves are not about… Above ground, the dwarves that did not see eye to eye with the Clans of the Mountains remained in the foothills and valleys above ground and prospered. These dwarves did not live under a monarchal rule of any single dwarf and always were lead by council, but did group together like the mountain dwarves and as a whole governed themselves by dwarven council. The surface dwarves and mountain dwarves still do not see eye to eye, and their views and ways often differ greatly. For one, surface dwarves are far more common to be seen, and often much more open to people and other ways. Seventy-five percent of the time, if a person meets a dwarf, it’s a surface dwarf.

Dwarven Cultures

 Norur – The Hill dwarves, still live both underground and above. They dwell just in the foothills and never burrow deep. Most of their cities are visible from the surface as they protrude halfway from a hillside or cliff. When most people think of a dwarf, these are the ones they see. They are the mix of the mountain dwarves and surface dwarves when it comes to views and ways, but in the end they always sway more towards the side of a surface dwarf; like them, they do not view the mountain dwarves in a nice light.  Norur are very loud in every aspect–their voice, their footfalls, everything–and are not known for being stealthy.   Additionally, the Norur cannot swim and greatly dislike water and all things related to it.   They tend to have a short attention span but will return to a topic hours later.

Ovim– The Surface Dwarves.  Most do not think of dwarves as surface dwellers, but it is speculated that in the beginning all dwarves were. These often lighthearted and fun fared dwarves group together in other cities or in one of the few purely Ovim villages scattered about Xadune.  They are loud, although not as loud as their Norur brethen, and will share their opinions without hesitation. These dwarves are known throughout the world for their lovely crafted weapons and armor and for the extreme length of time it takes to make them. Most accredit this to their almost constant state of drunkenness, but to an Ovim it is merely a fact that great things take time.  Ovims as a rule are claustrophobic and detest going underground, although they do not like to admit it.

Tharmödin – Not much is known about the Tharmödin Dwarves.  They remain locked in their underground city, and no one has heard from them in a long time.  They were once a rich provider or weapons and armaments.


The Wee Folk’s brilliant brain; though not always rational, they are always thinking and inventing. Their skills are only matched by the goblins. Preferring a dark place that is clean and quiet, these creatures are often teased, mostly for all their short comings, but always praised for their ability to come up with the most beautiful tinkerings.

Not all Gnomes love to tinker, some love the art of magic. Along with being master tinkers, Gnomes are master illusionists as well; they say it adds to their perfection.

Gnomes have grey skin and pointed ears.  They have a natural resistance to mental effects, possibly due to their eclectic minds, as well as toxins.  Their heights range between 3’4″ – 4’6″ on average, with males being taller than females.  Due to their small stature, they are not as strong as larger races.

Average Life Span: ~200
Average Number of Offspring: 1
Maximum Number of Offspring: 4

Gnomish History

Gnomes were the first race to introduce the idea of adding steam to something to make it move and to give it “power.”

Gnomish Culture

Gnomes are master tinkerers, but they are perfectionists, and as such when they create something it is usually good the first go round, but there is always something that they do not like about it so they will rebuild it and rebuild it until they think it is perfect when it is usually not. Anything created by a Gnome has a chance of backfiring, misfiring, or just downright going crazy. This is not seen as a flaw to the Gnome… to them it is a reason to make another one; this time, make it perfect!

Gnones normally group with larger cultures and cities and adapt to them, but a few still grow up either via the old teachings or in one of the few left gnomish Ruts, or gnomish cities. There are three main cultures of gnomes, each just a little different from the last to an outsider’s eye, but to a gnome it is a world of difference.

Earth Gnomes– The most common Gnomes on Xadune, and normally the most thought of when the word Gnome is said. They are called many things to different people, but the earth gnomes are what they are. They live almost their whole lives underground in cities, and as such suffer physical effects in the daylight. Due to their secluded nature, many have lost their people skills, and can often act rashly towards non-gnomes.  They are emotional people with short tempers and very little patience.

Worker Gnomes– Unlike what their common name suggests, these are not slaves but instead your true tinkerers. These are the gnomes that live to build, develop, and create. These gnomes live and breathe creation. Saying their life is consumed by it would be a huge understatement.  Dedicated to creating, these Gnomes have little patience for the arcane arts. Unlike their darker cousins, these gnomes are friendlier with people, but are still highly lacking in the people skills department.  They tend to be perfectionist, very neat to an obsessive level, and overwhelmingly driven.

Garden Gnomes– The smallest culture of the gnomes, the once common garden gnome. These little guys are at home in nature. Many people know these to be the alchemists of the race and also to be the green thumbs of the forest, but they do not focus in any other production. Of all the gnome types, these are the kindest and most open with non-gnomes. They also tend to be the best at communication as well. This is mostly due to the large amount of contact with others and the large amount of curiosity they have towards the world. Unlike the Earth Gnomes, these people are very peaceful and calm, although they will become completely awestruck by everything that isn’t native to the forest.


Fanatical, knowledgeable, pranksters, and the only winged race; Fairies are tricksters and they take things very literally. Of all the races native to Xadune, the Fairies are the most in tune with magic and its ways. They are Born Sorcerers.

Fairies have long pointed ears and insect-like wings.  Their heights range between 10″ – 12″ on average, although due to their innate magical ability, they can appear to between 5’4″ – 6’3″. Due to their small stature, they are not as strong as other races, and cannot wear heavy armor or use normal weaponry. A Faries cannot be compelled to tell the truth, nor can they use any engineered object.

Average Life Span: ~750
Average Number of Offspring: 1
Maximum Number of Offspring: 2

Fae races are the keepers of the Great Forest, mostly known as The Western Kingdom. The Fae races consist of the Fairies and the Brownies, and are separated into six different houses. Most of the Houses were caused and based around whether they support or object to the “New Gift.” The Kingdom itself is split up into four separate groups; The Northern, Eastern, Western, and Southern factions. Each faction is ruled differently because ever since “The New Gift” was passed, the view of the Fae has been distorted. The Northern Faction is ruled by three of the Brownies. This is also the most ‘outsider’ friendly location in the Great Forest. The Eastern Faction is ruled by a Fairy. This is a very organized Faction and holds the largest city in the Western Kingdom. The Southern Faction is not ruled but there resides a Brownie who claims he is in charge. This Area of the Forest is not populated much by the Fae so much as the magical creatures of the lands. Lastly, the Western Kingdom is ruled by the Fairies that reside there. They oppose the “New Gift” and will kill any not native to the Forest.

Fairy Cultures

Coe– Support the New Gift-Located in the Northern Faction and run by the Fairies. Like the Brownies of the Northern Faction, they are friendly but still have their ‘dark’ sides such as mischievousness, pranks, etc. They are a very laid-back people, but they do prefer order.

The Dark Wood– Support the New Gift- Located in the Eastern Faction and run by the Fairies. They enforce their laws heavily and are viewed as ‘nobles’ only because of their organization and their fine housing.  They do not take well to perceived slights or disrespect.  These fae are not strong manufacturers and find production skills difficult to learn.

The Silent Wood– Oppose the New Gift- Located in the Southern Faction and run by the Brownies. Scattered and unheard of, this house is viewed as the ‘savage house’ since they do not live in Fae-made shelters and still follow the traditional way. Cultural Disadvantages for the Silent Wood: – All Engineering Skills cost double to purchase and use (skill point wise). Role-play Requirements for the Silent Wood: Growing up and living as a part of nature, the Silent Wood Fae feel that it is their sworn duty to protect nature. This includes the animals and trees to the very air they breathe.


Brownies are the congenial, smart, cunning and wingless ones of Xadune. Child-like at heart, laid back, and adventurous they are willing to help anyone. Unlike their Fae cousins, they are more open to the new sciences although they are still just as keen on the arcane.   They are skilled, crafty, and magical in nature, and dislike combat as a rule.

Brownies have long pointed ears and a copious amount of hair.  Their heights range between 5″ – 7″ on average, although due to their innate magical ability,  they can appear to between 5’4″ – 6’3″. Due to their small stature, they are not as strong as other races, and cannot wear heavy armor or use normal weaponry. They have a natural resistance to diseases or toxins, varying per person, and cannot be forced to do anything against their nature.  Perhaps most uniquely, Brownies can understand and speak to any natural creature innately.

At a Glance:
Category: Fae
Average Life Span: ~700
Average Number of Offspring: 1
Maximum Number of Offspring: 2

Brownie Cultures

Gub’ro– Support the New Gift- Located in the Eastern Faction and run by the Brownies. They seem to be growing little in number due to the vast expansion of Dark Wood Bastion. They are a bit shy but still do dealings with Dark Wood Bastion and are craftier than most Brownies.   The inhabitants of The Gub’ro Pass are so ‘disconnected’ from the rest of the world, let alone the Kingdom itself, that when approached, or seen in public, they can be very socially awkward. They can be unable to communicate effectively, such as body gestures that are not normal, staring, etc..

Twisting Weed-Support the New Gift- Located in the Northern Faction and run by the Brownies. They are the friendliest of the houses and are said to be the ‘life’ of the Great Forest due to their hospitality to the outsiders.  Ever since the onslaught massacre of the civil war, citizens of Twisting Weed have disliked battle or any conflict for that matter. So as long as they see it in their power, combat will be the last resort for settling any kind of dispute.

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