March 2024 Event Information

Hello everyone! We hope all is well on the Friday! We are now one week, that’s seven days, out from game. The weather prophets claim there may be rain that Saturday, so pack an umbrella to be safe! Temperature wise, however, we are looking at some pretty sweet Game weather!

For those that have not had a chance, please look over your cards for any errors. They will be printed out for speedy check-in as normal and will not be altered on site. You have until Wednesday the 13th at 8pm to bring anything to our attention.

New Players: You have until Wednesday the 13th at 8pm to submit your character for approval. If you have any questions, please let us know either via Submit a Question or in your New-Players channel on Discord.

Additionally, the Department of Psychology at Pace University is looking to collect data on us nerdy types. As we at Xadune always like helping these alchemic studies in a pursuit to improve perception of our hobby, we invite anyone that wishes to take part. This will be a three part study looking at “emotional bleed-out”. Fun fun.

You can read the information sheet, and if you are interested, you can find the link on the Discord server.

If you would like to be a part of this by all mean please do. If not, then don’t do it, lol. I will say, for those that take the time to do all three surveys (the one before game, the one directly after, and the one a bit after) we will offer 1xp as a thank you for your participation. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

Speaking of questions, we will be doing our semi-final answering of questions tonight, and our final question answering on Sunday evening. Any questions received after Sunday the 10th that are not character or card related will most likely not be answered until after the event, as is the norm.

January 2024 Event

Welcome to the Opener for Xadune’s 15th Season!

New Year, New Plot

Our Plot Team is headed up by Honor Garcia, who is joined by Forrest McKnight, Jesse Burns, Kelly Meinhold, Logan Sand, and Nigel Long. We are so excited to have them come on board and we can’t wait to see what stories they immerse us in.

Ward 1

This event is at FDR State Park in Pine Mountain, Georgia. The weather is thankfully looking warm, although much like every time we have visited FDR, it is going to rain. Please be sure to pack accordingly, with extra socks, good boots, and an umbrella.

As always, the FDR site represents Ward 1, Periwinkle District, to which the Fivers have been invited to view the dramatic reenactment of Dancing with Death Lasers and to participate in the Talent Extravaganza by Winston Schooner. An invitation to the illustrious Ward 1 is always a treat for the Fivers.

Volunteer Shifts

All volunteer shifts are now (3) hours, and each player needs to complete only one shift.

[M] indicates a Monster Shift, and [T] indicates a Tavern Shift. Read more about Volunteer Shifts here.

Beginning this event, each player will need to sign in and sign out of the Volunteer Shift books, including a marshal signature.

December Volunteer Shifts

This is it folks, this is the Finale for the Plot 2023 Season!

Its shaping up to be cold and possibly wet, so please make sure you take all the normal precautions of:

  • Bring lots of socks
  • Take lots of bathroom breaks so that extra water don’t steal your heat
  • Pack LAYERS, including gloves and hats!
  • Pack rain gear!

We are delighted to be bringing you this event at Indian Springs State Park Group Camp, but after the event, please remember that Staff and Storyteam will be spending time with our families and celebrating the holidays, so answers to questions will not be as regular as we typically prefer.

November Announcements and Volunteer Sign-Ups

There are only 2 more events in the 2023 Season, and we are excited for the cooler weather!

Vaccination Promotion

We are encouraging those who are able to get their Flu Shot and COVID Boosters! Let’s help keep each other safe and healthy with public health initiatives.

We will give 1 XP to anyone who submits proof of Flu and COVID vaccination between August and December 2023.  Proof can be anything from pictures of the vaccine documents to selfies in the clinic; we are actively encouraging you to get out there and get vaccinated.  If you need any help finding a vaccination appointment near you, please reach out to Staff and we will be more than happy to help.

No Changes to Cards on Site

We would like to remind everyone that we will not be making changes to Character Cards on site.  If there are any errors on your character card, please feel free to let us know via the Submit a Question form prior to game week, and we will do our best to get those answered.

Holiday Season

It is the holiday season, and Xadune Staff and Storyteam will be taking time to spend with our families. Please feel free to Submit and Questions you have – we want to see them – but we will be more slow in answering them than we typically like to be.  Again, feel free to send the questions in! We collect all the submissions and will answer them as the schedule permits.

Camp Rutledge

We are again at Camp Rutledge, which is still undergoing renovations after last winter’s plumbing explosions.  The main bath house next to the Tavern is still closed. The weather will be cold at night and possibly wet, so please be sure to bring proper bedding and lots of extra socks.  As a reminder, the electrical in Camp Rutledge is not rated for space heaters.  Feel free to bring electric blankets and heating pads, kettles to fill hot water bottles, and extra blankets. No one wants to be chasing around a circuit breaker at 4am.

September 2023 Announcements and Volunteer Shift Sign-Ups

Back at Camp Rutledge

Its been actual years, but we are heading back to Lower Ward 5 and Camp Rutledge! The haven of rogues, full of fond memories such as the Grand Airship Mod of 2016 and the Definitely Didn’t Go Back In Time and Kill a Lot of Mole People of 2019.

Image from Reserve America

With four-bed cabins, recently renovated bath houses, a tavern with a delightful porch, and more trails than you can shake a boffer at, Camp Rutledge is a fantastic site.

Image from Reserve America

The weather is finally taking a turn for the cool, so make sure you bring enough bedding for the twin-sized mattresses. Lows will be in the 60’s, but with the warm days, you will want fresh socks.

Volunteer Shift Sign Ups

Please sign up for a total of 3 hours. Double Shifts are noted. Do not sign up for overlapping shifts.

August 2023 Announcements and Volunteer Shift Sign-Ups

Hello all! Hope you are all doing well. We are making some changes to Reskills and Skill Point Bids. Please read and understand these changes as they will be going into effect immediately.


Currently, a character only gets a Reskill (a complete refresh of their Skill Points) after the player has completed a 3 hour volunteer shift. Going forward, all characters will start with a Reskill, which they can use at any time during the event, provided they completed a 3 hour volunteer shift at their last attended event (or are a new player). Reskills take 10 full minutes to perform and are not instantaneous (PHB: pg 86). During a reskill a player can not use any skills, attack, or run but can only perform light nonstress tasks, walk, and defend themselves.

Skill Point Bids

As for Skill Point Bids, we are moving to a more consistent mechanic across the Skills with Skill Bids. Like the Lock Picking Skill, the maximum Skill Bid for a Skill is 10*(Rank of Skill). So, for rank 1 of Tracking, for instance, a character can only bid up to 10 SP at R1, 20 at R2, etc..

This also applies to Prayers to Powers, with a small twist. Characters without any ranks of Religion towards that Power can only bid up to 2 Skill Points. Characters with Rank 1 can bid up to 10, etc.. Any character can pray to a Power, but the knowledgeable ones know how to get Their attention.

Finally, when it comes to Skill Point Bids on non-skill related activities (i.e.: your falling off a building and looking to try to grab onto anything…) you are limited to a maximum Skill Bid for a Skill is 10 per 10 levels of your character. So, for example, a level 12 character could only bid up to a max of 20 skill points for a random hope to not fall to their death. (Levels 1-9 = 10 SP max; levels 10-19 = 20SP max; levels 20-29 = 30 SP max)

Additionally, all Skill Points must be used on actions done during Game. Skill Points expended for actions done between events, (e.g., spending Skill Points on Info Gathering to stake out a location between events) will be considered spent during the next played event.

Don’t call it Hotlanta

… but it is hot. As always, ice water will be provided throughout the event, and everyone is encouraged to bring a personal water bottle to keep with them on adventures. Fans are strongly encouraged for cabins.

We will be continuing with Water Mods. These are adventures which involve water, and typically involve getting wet. Players are encouraged to bring swim suits or water-friendly costuming.

We will also be going rather light during the heat of the day in terms of adventurers, with a heavier focus on roleplay and water mods. We encourage everyone to pace themselves and prepare for action-packed evenings!

June Announcements and Reminders

Its Game Week, and we hope you are just as excited for the event as we are! This is gearing up to be a really fun Live Action Roleplay Game at Camp Daniel Morgan in Hard Labor Creek State Park.

Welcome New Players!

We had a great time at MomoCon 2023 and we are excited to welcome the new faces we met there! If you haven’t already, take a moment to join our Discord Server, and we are happy to answer any of your pre-game questions.

Cabin Raids are Back, Baby!

We will be returning to our pre-COVID system of Cabin Notes and subsequently opening the possibility of Cabin Raids at this event. Cabin Raids are a general term for any NPC interaction with a player’s cabin. This may be an attack, it may be in-play thievery, or it may be as simple as a letter left on your bed. Each cabin will have a posted document the inhabitants are to fill out, including who is staying in the cabin, which areas are for out-of-play items (under the bed, clearly marked totes, etc.), and any in-play cabin protections set up (elemental guardians, in-play locks, traps, etc.). Cabin Raids can occur at any time, during the day or the night.

These will be limited to Low Town. If you wish to opt out of the possibility of Cabin Raids, or have specific needs for sleeping such as medically-induced sleep, please choose cabin N2.

N3 is reserved for Full-Time Monsters. Full-Time Monsters are not required to stay in this cabin; however, no Player Characters are allowed in this cabin.

N4 is reserved for New Players; players who have played less than three events as a Player Character. New Players are not required to stay in this cabin; however, this cabin will never fall victim to a Cabin Raid.

Don’t forget to Pre-Register for your Cabin prior to the event!

Tavern Tab

You guys are always awesome about pre-paying your Tavern Tabs, and we are always grateful for it. Just as a reminder, if you are pre-paying via PayPal, it is always better to do so BEFORE the day of the event, as we likely will not see your payment until after the event. You can add more money to your tavern tab HERE!

If you are wondering how much to add to your tab, check out the fully costed menu (updated 2022) on the Tavern Page.

Character Cards

Character Cards have been updated and posted on your profile. If you do not see a link to an image, please Submit a Question. Additionally, if a link is there but it isn’t working, try changing the capitalization of the file extension in the end of the URL – .png to .PNG and vice versa. If that doesn’t work, Submit a Question and we will be more than happy to fix it.

Teaching Other Players

There were some changes to the Learning and Teaching rules back when we launched the 3.0 PHB, and we wanted to refresh some memories on this topic.
From page 33 in the PHB:

Once the character has gained a Teach:__ skill, they may use their Teach Slots. The more Teach Slots that are used, the longer it will take to teach the skill, and it will begin to cut into how much the character can learn as well.

How many Teach Slots a Skill utilizes depends on the rarity of the Skill being taught.
Common: One Teaching Slot
Uncommon: Two Teaching Slots
Rare: Three Teaching Slots
Legendary: Four Teaching Slots
Exotic: Five Teaching Slots

Xadune Player’s Handbook, page 33

This means that, even if a character has the Teach:___ Skill, they cannot teach Rare or above Skills with their ordinary number of Teach Slots. You can gain additional Teach Slots with the Professor Skill (page 18 of the Xadune Skills List)

As a reminder, on page 88 you can find the following description for Rarity:

There are 5 ranks of Rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, and Exotic. Each Rank of a Skill increases in rarity by one. If a Skill has more than 5 Ranks, or otherwise would have
Ranks past Exotic, those ranks are also Exotic.

Rarity describes two things: how easy it will be to find the Skill in the world of Xadune, and how easy it is to Teach said Skill.

Water Mods and Sunday Morning Mods

As is tradition for a Georgia LARP, we will be having Water Mods this event, so bring your swim suit or costuming you don’t mind getting wet. We will also have Sunday Morning Mods, so if you are not intending to be in play before Game Off, please ensure you wear a white headband and stay in out-of-play areas.

May 2023 LARP Event

Its hard to believe that May is already here, and we are incredibly excited to bring you this event!

Back in March, a local psychologist brought one of his patients to the Ward 5 Adventurers with an experimental new treatment. The Adventurers were, happily, able to help the lad with his problems, although the psychologist had not heard the last of the issue. Ward 5 celebrated the Day of Tricks amid all sorts of mischief and, of course, storms. Some came close to dust on a seemingly normal milk-run adventure, proving that even the best of Adventurers can make mistakes.

What excitement will this month bring?

Its Hot!

The weather is turning out to be toasty for May, which is a time-honoured tradition. We will be having Water Mods!

Water Mods are adventurers and quests that involve characters getting wet in some fashion. You will be warned prior to going on these mods, and you will be allowed to change into a water-acceptable outfit. It does not need to be period appropriate.

Please praise Cobanoglu and start hydrating now! As always, water and cups will be provided, but bringing your own water bottle to Hydrate While You Diedrate… Enemies is a great practice.

Mothers Mean More Mods

Sunday is, in fact, Mother’s Day. We will be having content on Sunday Morning, but it is also understandable that many folks will be leaving early to spend some time with their favourite maternal figures. Please be aware if you are packing up that some folks may still be in play, and be sure to wear a white headband. Everyone did a fantastic job of this last Gather, so we are excited about this going forward.

Rules Reminders and Updates


Elixirs, such as Strength Elixirs, do not stack. When a character consumes a +1 Strength Potion, they gain +1 Strength for 10 minutes. If the character consumes a second +1 Strength Elixir, the 10 minute timer starts over, but they do NOT gain +2 Strength.

Outside Food in Tavern

Going forward, we ask that outside food be kept out of the Tavern. This includes sweets, treats, savory items, etc., of shareable sizes and quantities. This does not prohibit personal snacks kept on a person in a bag which travels with you on your adventurers.

This does not stop you from keeping food and sharing it from your cabin! If you are planning on bringing shareable treats, please feel free to invite people to your cabin.

If your character is selling food (and had the requisite Skills to make said food), they are more than welcome to do so from the comfort of their own in-play home. Moreover, kitchen supplies such as plates and cutlery are not to leave the Tavern.

If you have food to share, you are responsible for bringing your own flatware and silverware, and you are responsible for cleaning up any mess that occurs.

This said, we are still allowing outside drinks in the Tavern. If your character has the requisite Skills, they are welcome to sell drinks in the Broken Rabbit, and everyone is welcome to bring and share drinks. Please keep in mind that Tavern cups are not to leave the building. It is a kindness to remove teabags prior to returning cups as well. We thank you for your understanding, and look forward to cabin socialization!

Volunteer Shifts

To complete Volunteer requirements, one must complete 3 full hours of volunteering, either through 2 of the below shifts or one double shift. Remember, you do not get a Re-Skill until you have completed your volunteer shift, or are signed up for a [CLEAN-UP] shift.

[TAVERN] shifts involve working in the kitchen, serving food, and cleaning dishes. [TAVERN CLEAN-UP] involves cleaning a lot of dishes. Like, a whole lot. [CLEAN-UP] is after the event and involves cleaning up all of site.

Please do not sign up for overlapping shifts.

You will only get credit for shifts you are signed up for and work.

May 2023 Volunteer Shifts

February 2023 Event

It is a mere 4 days out from the February 2023 Event!

While the last event was still stuck in December, this event is back on the normal timeline, and will start in-play on February 10th, AFS 143. Welcome to 143 everyone!

The Weather Outside is Frightful

Friday during the day is going to be a bit rainy, and while it should clear up before we get in play, the ground might still be a bit wet. That said, Saturday night is looking like it will be very cold, and while we will be at Indian Springs with heated cabins, be sure to bring extra layers and extra socks for your time adventuring!

But the Snow Ball is so Delightful

As we are all very much so looking forward to, the Annual Snow Ball will be held Saturday evening, on and around dinner. Bring your fancy duds and prepare to look your best, because the Snow Ball only comes once a year! Entertainment will be provided in-play by our resident Cheva-loving Bard, Dae, and company in the form of the long-awaited Cyrus Larkin: The Butt Puncher, A Musical.

Rules Reminders

On Reskills.

A character gets a Reskill – a full refresh of their Skill Points – once per event. The player must have completed their Volunteer Shift prior to using their Reskill. The character must be out of combat for at least 10 minutes when they Reskill – think of it like taking a break, having a sit-down, and feeling mentally refreshed.

This full refresh is a refresh, not an addition. So if you have spent 13 of your 15 Skill Points, and use your Reskill, you are now at 15 again. Those two unspent Skill Points from the first bucket, if you will, are gone. You cannot combine those two Skill Points with Skill Points from the Reskill bucket. So if you have 2SP left from your 15, and you want to use a 7SP Skill, those 7 SP are taken from the 15SP Reskill Bucket, not 2SP from the first bucket then 5SP from the second bucket. This also applies to Skill Bids. For a lump Skill Bid, you cannot bid more than the listed maximum Skill Points on your character card.

Volunteer Shifts

All shifts are Monster shifts unless otherwise specified. [TAVERN] shifts involve working in the kitchen, serving food, and cleaning dishes. [TAVERN CLEAN-UP] involves cleaning a lot of dishes. Like, a whole lot. [CLEAN-UP] is after the event and involves cleaning up all of site.

To complete Volunteer requirements, one must complete 3 full hours of volunteering, either through 2 of the below shifts or one double shift. Remember, you do not get a Re-Skill until you have completed your volunteer shift, or are signed up for a [CLEAN-UP] shift.

Please do not sign up for overlapping shifts. You will only get credit for shifts you are signed up for and work.

February 2023 Volunteer Sign Up

January 2023 Volunteer Shifts

Please sign up for a Volunteer Shift below!

Full-Time Monsters need not sign up. [Monster] Shifts involve playing monsters and bad guys, whereas [Tavern] shifts involve working in the kitchen, serving food and cleaning dishes.

To complete Volunteer requirements, one must complete 3 full hours of volunteering, either through 2 of the below shifts or one double shift.

Please do not sign up for overlapping shifts. You will only get credit for shifts you are signed up for and work.

January 2023 Volunteer Shift Sign-Up

This site ©2008-2024 J.S.K.Jenny All materials within (including without limitation all text, images, articles, designs, & logos) are copyright J.S.K.Jenny. These materials may not be copied or redistributed for commercial purposes or for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from J.S.K.Jenny. If you have questions about these terms or would like more information, please feel free to contact us. “Xadune” and the XADUNE Logo are trademarks owned by J.S.K.Jenny