June Announcements and Reminders

Its Game Week, and we hope you are just as excited for the event as we are! This is gearing up to be a really fun Live Action Roleplay Game at Camp Daniel Morgan in Hard Labor Creek State Park.

Welcome New Players!

We had a great time at MomoCon 2023 and we are excited to welcome the new faces we met there! If you haven’t already, take a moment to join our Discord Server, and we are happy to answer any of your pre-game questions.

Cabin Raids are Back, Baby!

We will be returning to our pre-COVID system of Cabin Notes and subsequently opening the possibility of Cabin Raids at this event. Cabin Raids are a general term for any NPC interaction with a player’s cabin. This may be an attack, it may be in-play thievery, or it may be as simple as a letter left on your bed. Each cabin will have a posted document the inhabitants are to fill out, including who is staying in the cabin, which areas are for out-of-play items (under the bed, clearly marked totes, etc.), and any in-play cabin protections set up (elemental guardians, in-play locks, traps, etc.). Cabin Raids can occur at any time, during the day or the night.

These will be limited to Low Town. If you wish to opt out of the possibility of Cabin Raids, or have specific needs for sleeping such as medically-induced sleep, please choose cabin N2.

N3 is reserved for Full-Time Monsters. Full-Time Monsters are not required to stay in this cabin; however, no Player Characters are allowed in this cabin.

N4 is reserved for New Players; players who have played less than three events as a Player Character. New Players are not required to stay in this cabin; however, this cabin will never fall victim to a Cabin Raid.

Don’t forget to Pre-Register for your Cabin prior to the event!

Tavern Tab

You guys are always awesome about pre-paying your Tavern Tabs, and we are always grateful for it. Just as a reminder, if you are pre-paying via PayPal, it is always better to do so BEFORE the day of the event, as we likely will not see your payment until after the event. You can add more money to your tavern tab HERE!

If you are wondering how much to add to your tab, check out the fully costed menu (updated 2022) on the Tavern Page.

Character Cards

Character Cards have been updated and posted on your xadune.com profile. If you do not see a link to an image, please Submit a Question. Additionally, if a link is there but it isn’t working, try changing the capitalization of the file extension in the end of the URL – .png to .PNG and vice versa. If that doesn’t work, Submit a Question and we will be more than happy to fix it.

Teaching Other Players

There were some changes to the Learning and Teaching rules back when we launched the 3.0 PHB, and we wanted to refresh some memories on this topic.
From page 33 in the PHB:

Once the character has gained a Teach:__ skill, they may use their Teach Slots. The more Teach Slots that are used, the longer it will take to teach the skill, and it will begin to cut into how much the character can learn as well.

How many Teach Slots a Skill utilizes depends on the rarity of the Skill being taught.
Common: One Teaching Slot
Uncommon: Two Teaching Slots
Rare: Three Teaching Slots
Legendary: Four Teaching Slots
Exotic: Five Teaching Slots

Xadune Player’s Handbook, page 33

This means that, even if a character has the Teach:___ Skill, they cannot teach Rare or above Skills with their ordinary number of Teach Slots. You can gain additional Teach Slots with the Professor Skill (page 18 of the Xadune Skills List)

As a reminder, on page 88 you can find the following description for Rarity:

There are 5 ranks of Rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, and Exotic. Each Rank of a Skill increases in rarity by one. If a Skill has more than 5 Ranks, or otherwise would have
Ranks past Exotic, those ranks are also Exotic.

Rarity describes two things: how easy it will be to find the Skill in the world of Xadune, and how easy it is to Teach said Skill.

Water Mods and Sunday Morning Mods

As is tradition for a Georgia LARP, we will be having Water Mods this event, so bring your swim suit or costuming you don’t mind getting wet. We will also have Sunday Morning Mods, so if you are not intending to be in play before Game Off, please ensure you wear a white headband and stay in out-of-play areas.

This site ©2008-2024 J.S.K.Jenny All materials within (including without limitation all text, images, articles, designs, & logos) are copyright J.S.K.Jenny. These materials may not be copied or redistributed for commercial purposes or for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from J.S.K.Jenny. If you have questions about these terms or would like more information, please feel free to contact us. “Xadune” and the XADUNE Logo are trademarks owned by J.S.K.Jenny