Goblin Invasion?

Goblin Invasion? Archived May 5th, AFS 088

   Goblins en masse have been sighted outside Barbaroy.  While the goblins do not appear hostile, they could be a threat none the less.  Our economy and our resources cannot support this many immigrants.
   Thousands of goblins are approaching the eastern borders of Barbaroy.  Over fifty percent of the population is presumed to be females and children.  Not much is known about the intentions of this massive amount of goblins, but rumor has it they are carrying all of their belongings.
   Normally, Barbaroy would not close its borders to any immigrants in need of a new home, but this throng will eat us out of house and home.  A petition has been drawn up and is being passed around the populous to encourage the government to step in and do something.  Maybe they Barbaroy can offer them rations and supplies at the borders to the swamp to assist those in need, as well as encourage them to not continue their journey into the cities and towns.  Use of force is not ultimately necessary, however should be used to detour the advancement.
   If nothing is done to stop this movement, it will not only be their children and females looking for a place to sleep and eat, but our own.

Geoffrey Thompson
Senior Editor, Barboroy Herald

The Goblins Are Here archived June 14th, AFS 088

   Despite any encouraging the government could do, the goblins have scattered and populated the cities and towns of Barbaroy.  Many of the larger settlements within Barbaroy have been affected; however there does not seem to be a great struggle for competition of survival.
   The goblins entered into Barbaroy and spread throughout the country, leaving the countryside and smaller villages to the natives, they chose to inhabit the outskirts and slums of the cities and towns, particularly in the junkyards.  While at first, the presumption was they would take over the cities with their populations, they kept to themselves, and made do with what they had.  Many reports have come back that the goblins are utilizing the debris and trash of the cities to construct jury rigged shelters and habitations in the less pleasing areas of major cities.
   The majority of the locals do not seem to mind this incursion as it has decreased crime within the slums of the cities and allowed the authorities to gather the so called “rats” as the scatter into the light.  Many of the prostitutes, thieves, murderers, and such that have remained in hiding have been flushed out of their homes and promptly arrested.  One local sheriff reported that his prison is overflowing due to this relocation.
   Where the appearance of the goblins homes is not an attractive sight, the locals have voiced that they appreciate the goblins handling the garbage industry.  The goblins have displayed skills in the engineering field that surpasses some of our best, and are offering their services in the field of repair and refurbishing.  Many of the lead Barbaroy engineers have headed to the slums to see what techniques they can learn from these adepts.
   This coexistence can be a success after all.  I am glad that Barbaroy was able to assist these lost souls, and sincerely apologize for my earlier comments.

Geoffrey Thompson
Senior Editor, Barboroy Herald

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