The Accounts of the Airship “The Flying Duchess”

The skies in Southern Kinsley were sparse with clouds that day, although some tufts of cotton floated up there it was a clear day. The weather was cool and lovely, as it always does when autumn is around the corner. Outside enjoying the nice breeze as I was doing my chores, I noticed a speck that was fat like a beetle in the sky. It was far off in the distance and as dawn broke not that long ago, it was still hard to tell what it was or how long it was there. Studying it for a moment or two, I finally concluded what it was well into the afternoon. Astonished as excitement slowly welled up inside of me, I stared in amazement at the wonders of magic that would hold such a massive structure in the sky, as if it were a bird. Here in Kinsley we aren’t privy to a lot of information concerning the other countries of Xadune. We only know what we read in the papers, but even then, it isn’t all that much considering what they choose to leave out. Although we are ignorant to the new ways, it isn’t uncommon to have heard of the famous air fleets or naval ships of the world. We all know what we have to deal with if it came down to warring. Regardless of how I knew what this amazing thing was, I wander off topic.

I dashed out of the door, letting it bang on the wall; I looked up at the early evening sky. Dark hues stretched across it. Blues, deep reds, purples and oranges; like a rainbow bedding down for the evening. There she was, approaching at a speed greater than I have ever known; having only used my own two feet to travel, I longed for something quicker. A horse, mule, even an ox would do if I could travel more often. But alas, traveling was out of the question when I had a farm to tend to. I had supplies shipped to me once a week on Wednesdays to prevent the idea of wandering off of my land. One cannot be away for far too long or they gamble with their lives’ work and means of living.

The beauty and wonder of watching an airship as it elegantly drifted across the sky was like a dream. Although something looked amiss as it seemed as though it were sitting higher in the sky earlier than it did now. Maybe it was a trick with my perception; we common folk do not know such silly things as longitudes and latitudes by the mere glance of a structure.  As the sky grew darker I decided to finish my chores around the house before I turned down for the night. Just as I was finishing up in the kitchen I heard a rapping on my door. It had startled me enough to break my dinner plates as I was drying them. Mourning the loss of one of the only few nice treasures I own, worry brewed inside me as the knock came again. Who would come way out here? I wondered to myself. This day kept getting stranger and stranger as it progressed.

A robed figure stood in the doorway, clothed in dark shades of what looked to be black from the dim lighting of my abode. The large figure moved forward, forcing me back a step, entering my home. In a hushed, yet honeyed tone, “Water.” Was all that came from the man. Startled, I hopped to serve the man water, as he requested, only hoping that soon after the man would leave. Grabbing a glass from the cupboard clumsily, I dropped it and watched the glass break around my feet with wide eyes. Slowly turning my head towards the man, he just shook his head and seemingly sighs. Walking towards me, I backed into the counter, stepping in the glass, hearing the crunch under my feet I cringe. He extends a wrapped hand towards me with a flask and repeats in the same tone, “Water.”

Taking the flask with shaking hands I grab the water pitcher and refill his flask as high as it would go without spilling over. He moves the flask towards his shadowed face to drink the contents empty. Shoving the flask towards me again for more. I repeated the gesture, refilling it to it’s brim and watched as he swallowed some of the contents. Capping his flask off this time, he opens his coat and shoves it into an inside pocket. He turns his head back towards me and the feeling of wanting to run crept in as I felt his eyes burn through me. Finally he turns on his heel and starts to make his way out. Stopping at the door frame, he says softly, “I was never here.” and walks out into the night.

I stood with my mouth agape for some time, I’m sure. Something unlady like that I would never truly admit to another soul, but if any other were in a situation the same as this, who wouldn’t react the same?

I woke the next morning with the worst headache of my life. I turned my head to look at the empty wine bottle sitting on my nightstand. Huffing at my misfortune of finishing off the most expensive liquid contents in the house. Getting out of bed to go out to check the garden, grabbing my robes before I walk out the door. There it was again, yet landed a hundred yards from the house. The balloon still inflated, steam billowing into it to keep it aloft, the boat was tied down with a folding staircase leading up to the deck. A man sits on a small folded out chair fiddling with a small trinket between his two hands. Looking up through dark brown, chin-length tresses he pops up to his feet. “Morning.”

Grabbing the top of my robe, I close it to try to keep my dignity. “G-good… morning”, I respond trying to keep my calm. The man’s skin was of darker tone and seemingly cheerful. Trying to be good-natured, I approach warily. “Why do you have your boat parked outside of my house, sir?” He just smirks and pushes his hair out of his face. “How about we start with introductions since I was so rude last night?” He quirks a brow, and a flush pops across my face, “Oh…I…well….” He cuts me off, “Here, let me start.” He gestures, “I’m Corrwyn and you are…” He half bows, flourishing his coat to reveal his dark blue pin-stripped vest and brass pocket watch chain. Feeling severely under dressed I held my rob around my body tighter, “Jul…Julie…” Cutting me off again, “Well, nice to meet you Julie! We are here to get some supplies.” Confused as I take a look around my large plot of land, the city not but a days walk away. “Why here when you can park at the port in the city?”

He takes a few steps closer and smirks, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Well now… That, my dear… is something I’d like to apologize to you about…”

Stuttering I swallowed hard, not knowing what he meant, but also out of curiosity I responded meekly, “F-for?” He looked down at me with a broad smile as he steps closer and with that I black out.

My eyes blink rapidly into the darkness, trying to find focus on something. THERE! A glint of metal shown me briefly that I was in a small room, the reflection of light from a small hole somewhere above my head promised escape. Turning to try to find the exact place above me that it came from, my head was in excruciating pain. Curling into a ball in on myself, I realize that there was more things wrong with me than right in my present state.

I didn’t know where I was.
I didn’t know how to escape.
Or if I could even escape due to my medical condition.
What kind of condition my body was in.
What was it that was binding me.

Upon thinking on the latter, I realized that I couldn’t necessarily move freely. Ignorant as to why I tried to move my hands around to feel for something familiar. A texture, an object, anything that would give way to how I was here. Not being able to move as freely as I would like, my desperation starts to set in. Pulling my body left to right, trying to pull whatever that was holding me loose, to no avail. Sweat beaded on my brow as I focused on the one thing I noticed prior. Hoping the light would shine again to illuminate the room, even briefly was nearly the only hope I had left.

Although I didn’t feel hungry, another mystery in itself, my stomach hurt from a slight pain, a slight soreness, as if I were doing a lot of physical labor. Confusion started to set in as tears well up in my eyes. I didn’t know what to think, I wanted something familiar, anything….

A door swung wide open and someone stumbled into the darkness, closing the object behind them. The light around the figure was jarring, blinding yellows and oranges, the silhouette was a somewhat large frame and the heavy steps that approached matched what I briefly saw.  “…H-hello?” I called out to the figure, hoping to get more of an indication of where they ended up. Silence answers my question until a large hand clasps down on my shoulder suddenly, making me scream out.

“Shhh…” A gentle male voice soothes, running large fingers through pieces of hair that fell across my face. “Too loud…”

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